The reason that we set up B2B IQ in the first place was to simplify, connect and enable clients' increasingly complex and silo'd tech stacks for ABM
We can show you how to identify, measure and deliver the right message to organizations based on the stage of the journey they are in
Our custom brand to demand blueprints are built your customers decision needs as the first input and are designed to unify you marketing organization to deliver a truly integrated and connect experience
We understand the importance of lead flow, a solid testing foundation and the need for controlled innovation
We do not drink the kool-aide - we provide tried and tested solutions that deliver against your KPIs / OKRs
We respect existing relationships, take a modular approach and are built for collaboration with your teams and existing technology partners
We're happiest when we can add value and augment your existing ABM approach and recommend improvements and power ups
We'd love to design and implement a full service, open-source Brand to Demand stack to manage your organizations ABM operations
Many of our customers simply want us to provide top of funnel leads and bring Cole the Labradoodle to their office and so that is exactly what we do